What is the most effective way of sharing this new knowledge and resources about one innovation to bridge the digital divide between those who ‘know’ and those who ‘don’t know’, in particular your colleagues in the course and faculty members?
Here is what I think would be the best way to teach others about a innovation....
The best way to learn a new innovation is to play with it; supported by peers, as we presently do in this unit. This works best because the experts have started for a similar point of understanding (bottom up, not top down). They will fall into the pit-falls of the new innovation, saving the other new learner . This method also saved us a lot of leg work, than if it was a individual venture to learn the array of innovations on offer.
But where I would make changes, is in the review of the innovations; on the day of the presentation is not the right time. I feel you need at least a week to absorb what you have learnt, before pasting judgement. So this is what I propose, that in the week following each presentation, I would give everyone a fifteen minute weekly challenge. In this challenge student would be asked to find in only 15mins: either websites or tools that did the same/similar things/ or is superior to; or example of the innovations use in schools; or any other interesting tidbits of information about it they could find about it.This information could used to add to the wiki page and assist the presenting group.
The reason why I think that this would be good, is that the web is a very big place. You could search for hours and not find any useful information; were as another person might know exactly where to look or may stumble over some fabulous site or resource accidentally, because they put in different keywords into the search engine. The other reason is, it would additional aid the other students' understanding, because they did a little research themselves on the innovation; without the pressure of the full workload. This information could be shared in the first part of the tutorial, as a type of consolidation and review of the innovation. The challenge would not be assessed and would be only for sharing information and building knowledge.
Christina the Technomum signing off for now
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