Saturday, October 31, 2009

Web Quest Question

When we all started this web quest a question was posed , this was -

What is the most effective way of sharing this new knowledge and resources about one innovation to bridge the digital divide between those who ‘know’ and those who ‘don’t know’, in particular your colleagues in the course and faculty members?

Here is what I think would be the best way to teach others about a innovation....

The best way to learn a new innovation is to play with it; supported by peers, as we presently do in this unit. This works best because the experts have started for a similar point of understanding (bottom up, not top down). They will fall into the pit-falls of the new innovation, saving the other new learner . This method also saved us a lot of leg work, than if it was a individual venture to learn the array of innovations on offer.

But where I would make changes, is in the review of the innovations; on the day of the presentation is not the right time. I feel you need at least a week to absorb what you have learnt, before pasting judgement. So this is what I propose, that in the week following each presentation, I would give everyone a fifteen minute weekly challenge. In this challenge student would be asked to find in only 15mins: either websites or tools that did the same/similar things/ or is superior to; or example of the innovations use in schools; or any other interesting tidbits of information about it they could find about it.This information could used to add to the wiki page and assist the presenting group.
The reason why I think that this would be good, is that the web is a very big place. You could search for hours and not find any useful information; were as another person might know exactly where to look or may stumble over some fabulous site or resource accidentally, because they put in different keywords into the search engine. The other reason is, it would additional aid the other students' understanding, because they did a little research themselves on the innovation; without the pressure of the full workload. This information could be shared in the first part of the tutorial, as a type of consolidation and review of the innovation. The challenge would not be assessed and would be only for sharing information and building knowledge.

Christina the Technomum signing off for now

Google Docs

Google Doc was one of the tool that was presented while I was out on prac. I have had a look at the group who was presenting it wiki page try to get up to speed with it. So this is what I understand is its function.

Google doc is a place where you can create and share your online documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. You can allow work to be edited or made people of your choosing; relieving you of the back and forward emailing.

As to whether I would use it. All I can only say is that "the jury is still out, but they are leaning to the no side at this point". I feel that I need to spend a little more time and research, and see some more example of its use at the primary level.

Voice Thread

One of this weeks tool was Voicethread. This is tool that allows student to share thought comments or simply have a conversation around a document, image or video. It can be used for collaborative or individual story-telling or for commenting on documents and other resources. Voicethread a free online service. You can either be embedded the thread in blog or web pages or linked, if you like. You can also doodle on the picture as well as the spoken comments.

This tool seems to bring together several tools similar to: twitter,power point,one note; into one place. This I think is great, because it lessens the number of things that you have to upload on the students computer, giving you more bang for your buck, so to speech!

As the girls said there are many way in which you could use voicethread. A quick google gave heap of potential teaching applications. In my search, I also found that Voicethread was place 18th in a list of the top 100 web tools for learning this year, so I'm not the only one to see it worth.

So what is my final rating for Voicethread.... 9/10 the toolbox it goes.


Edmodo is a very useful classroom communication and management tools. It is a private mini blogging tool for teachers and students to share ideas, files, events and assignments. You can also send out reminds to student, which you can send to their favourite social networking page or as a email to home; poll student about any manner of thing. All of which I think is really useful.

I would use this tool for all grades,even the junior grades, as a way to communicate with their parents. Parent could send through and receive a variety of information including: absentee note, any concerns (this would be good for working parents), ask or answer questions about homework, a teacher could also give feed back or praise or otherwise, and final generally let parent know way is happening. And this is on the few I can think of now.

With older student think this is a good way to make student more responsible for their school life and learning;but also assisting and supports them, to do so. They would have fewer excuses for not know or not doing what is required.

I also like the was you can break student and learning area into different folder for better organisation. the grade facility is good too.

On the down side ,as the presenting group indicated one of the area the Edmodo could use a little work is the less than personal interface and the fact that student can't make entries on the calendar is not great either. But Edmodo look like a website that is open to suggestion, so an email might be worth sending.

So will I be using this tool.... yep and I give this is a 81/2 out of 10. And into the tool box it goes.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Second Life

Hi all, this week we looked at second life. While it was interesting to have a look at; I don't see anyway yet, for it's application in the primary classroom. But that not to say the sometime in the future, second life won't find its way into my classroom. I suppose, as teachers or developers see a demand, at the primary level; a place in second life will be created.

Here are some of the requirements I would second life to have before I would ues it:

  • A safe and secure site with in second life would have to be provided

  • I could control access

  • Child like avitars

  • Simplified navigation around site

Once these can be provided, sure I would give it a trail.

On a personal note to the people who lose themselves with in Second Life.... it is not real!!! Go get outside.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hot Potatoe

This week application was Hot Potatoe. This application was an online worksheet generator.

It is a freeware programme designed to enable those with no programming experience to create interactive web-based exercises. A range of question formats are available:

  • multiple-choice
  • fill-in-the-gap
  • short-answer
  • jumbled-sentence
  • crossword-puzzle
I didn't think that this wasn't a bad application, but it wasn't a standout. I thought that while it was quite easy to use and quick to produce simple work sheets, but the worksheets weren't very engaging at all, for our digital students. I know that you can upload picture and fiddle around with presentation to help with this, but this makes it as time consuming as generating your own. And anyway most of what Hot potato does can be found at of site.
Here are some free worksheet sites, which I found in 5 min, that do most of the same stuff!

Next I wasn't keen on the results side of the worksheet. OK it automatically marked the students' work, but you only got a final score or grade. I feel that this doesn't help you identify where the student may have gone wrong (weaknesses) or did well in (strengths). You could use this tool for any formative assessment, because it just doesn't provide you with enough information.

So would I use Hot Potato? I don't think so, there would have to be improvements on the feedback/result side of things, before I would consider using it. Or you are only providing you students with busy work when you have nothing better to offer them!